Ways To Care For Your Dog After A Spaying Appointment

13 August 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Getting your dog spayed is an important step for ensuring that it doesn't play a role in making unwanted puppies, and you may also find that spaying the animal can help with a few unwanted behaviours. After the appointment takes place, it's crucial for you to provide the proper care for the animal until it's feeling back to its normal self. There are several ways that you can care for your pet, but the following tasks will be an important part of your daily life for a little while.

Prevent Access To The Incision

Dogs will often be curious about their post-spay incision, and many of them may attempt to lick or even bite at the area. This behaviour is a concern because it could damage the incision or increase the likelihood of infection, so one of your top priorities will be to prevent the dog from accessing this area. There are several different ways that you can achieve this goal. One option is to fit the dog with a spay collar, which will prevent it from turning its head enough to reach the incision. Some small dog owners also dress their dog in a specialized suit that covers the incision.

Monitor The Incision

Another task on your to-do list will be to carefully monitor the incision. You'll want to do so several times a day to ensure that it's healing correctly. Most importantly, you'll be looking for signs of an infection. If the incision appears redder than normal, has a swollen look, or even has pus around it, these are all signs that an infection may be present. In this case, you'll want to contact the veterinary clinic to describe what you're seeing and seek input on what you should do next. In some cases, it may be necessary to return to the clinic.

Keep The Dog Calm

You'll also want to do your best to keep the dog calm during this time. When a dog gets excited, it may run and jump, both of which could potentially result in a tear in the incision. You should know your dog well enough to know what excites it. For example, if it gets excited when someone rings the doorbell, you may wish to cover the doorbell with a piece of cardboard so that no visitors press it. You should also avoid throwing toys for the dog and instruct your children to keep calm around it until the incision has fully healed.

Reach out to a vet for more information about spaying and caring for your dog. 
